A Quick Fix for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

I know many of you struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. What if you had an easy in-the-moment fix that gets you out of the attack?

Anxiety and panic attacks can happen at any time. Sometimes you know the reason. You are set to give that important presentation and all of a sudden you can’t remember any of your points. During a job interview you are so stressed you can’t think and say all the wrong things.

Other times they come out of no where. You are in the grocery store picking out a broccoli and suddenly you feel like running out of the store.

Normally you solve problems by engaging your thinking. During a panic attack, you can’t think! What can you do when your best problem solving tool is not working?

Why you can’t think your way out of an anxiety or panic attack

Let’s take a look at what happens during these attacks. You are feeling a strong emotion. It might be fear, anxiety, embarrassment, shame, or anger. These strong emotions hijack your brain and you are unable to access your higher brain functions – your rational thinking. So, thinking your way out of the situation is impossible.

Since limiting emotions have taken over your brain, you have no way of accessing your true emotional states. These might include confidence, excitement, or calm. So, you can’t look to your emotions to help you out.

Your other option: your body

When your emotions take over and your brain locks up, your body responds. According to Deepak Chopra our body reacts to fear with a tight stomach, blood rushing from our head, tense muscles, feeling faint or dizzy, and a tightness in the chest. Our body reacts to shame with a warm feeling, flushed cheeks, a sense of numbness that feels cold and empty inside, feeling small and wanting to disappear. These examples are from: Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You by Deepak Chopra (2009).

You can test this out for yourself. Remember a time when feeling anxious caused you a problem. What were you experiencing in your body? In particular, notice your breathing. Was your breathing shallow, ragged or were you holding your breath?

Now, remember a time when you felt confident and resourceful. Notice what was happening in your body. How was your breathing? Was it deep, smooth and regular?

Your breathing is one body function that you can access consciously. You can change your breathing. The easiest way to get out of a panic or anxiety attack is to reset your breathing.

Here’s the fix …

How do you reset your breathing? Easy. Blow out just like you were blowing out a candle. Then take a deep breath through your nose. Do this at least three times. That’s it!

Remember, the next time you have a panic attack, the solution is as easy as blowing out a candle.

… and here’s why it works

Why does this work? When you are feeling a strong limiting emotion your normal breathing rhythm gets disrupted. You are getting less oxygen. When you blow out your lungs empty and your body’s natural response is to take a deep breath. You can’t stop it.

As you breathe in, consciously make sure it is a deep breath. By the time you have taken three deep breaths, the cycle is usually broken. When your breathing calms down, your emotions calm down and your brain turns back on. This is a lot like pressing the reset button on your brain.

Try it before you need it

For best results, be sure to practice the anxiety and panic fix before you need it. It only takes a few seconds.

You can even use this technique to prevent attacks. Before an important meeting or a test, use the panic fix. Presenters and trainers often suggest taking several deep breaths before speaking. Calm breathing makes all the difference.

Can it be this easy?

Yes it can. For some of you, this fix will be all you need. You have gotten into a bad habit. By resetting your breathing, you can completely avoid future panic or anxiety attacks.

Or you may need to look deeper into your past. You have emotional wounds from childhood that are creating these attacks. You can release these wounds without reliving any past events with the poetry of emotion process.

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One last tip… To avoid future problems, practice deep breathing every day. Take a breathing break, instead of a coffee break.

Share your experiences in the comments section below.

(Image:  Alessandra @ Flickr)

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