What is the Poetry of Emotion Process?

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Emotions sign

The poetry of emotion process is designed to help you reclaim your true emotions. In the process of growing up your true emotions get covered up with family beliefs, cultural beliefs, and limiting emotions. These emotions and beliefs do not reflect the real you.

Most of us have a sense that there is something missing but we are unsure exactly what we are missing. We have lost touch with our true emotions and our true self – the person we were meant to be. The poetry of emotion process gives you the tools to reclaim your true self.

In the poetry of emotion process you will be focusing on emotional memories rather than cognitive memories. Emotional memories are different from cognitive memories. They communicate through metaphors, stories and images. This way of communicating is a lot like having a dream while you are awake.

No need to revisit painful memories

You do not need to remember any cognitive memories in the poetry of emotion process. You can decide when or if you want to remember painful events from your past. I recommend that you wait until the release phase is complete before looking into your cognitive memories. You may be surprised that the need to understand your past and remember is no longer so important.

You can release any problem emotion or limiting belief. The poetry of emotion process has three steps.

The poetry of emotion process

Step 1 Discover your emotional poem

Our cognitive mind identifies emotions using feeling labels (happy, sad, etc). Our unconscious mind thinks in metaphors, stories and images. To your unconscious mind a poem is a more useful description. You may be thinking “I don’t know how to discover my emotional poem.” It is a lot easier than you think to communicate using emotional poems. When you say “My heart is broken” or “I have the weight of the world on my shoulders” you are using emotional poems. Emotions are experienced in the body. By exploring the physical sensations in your body you can discover your emotional poems.

Step 2 Discover a time before you had the emotional poem

You travel back in time to a younger self who did not have the problem emotion. This younger self holds the key to releasing your limiting emotion. The child has the emotions and qualities you need to heal. The child may be happy, playful, and curious. This child feels safe and loved. There is always a time before the limiting poem.

Step 3 Release the limiting emotion and reclaim your true emotion

In this step a story comes into play. This is the story of how the limiting emotion leaves your body and your life for good. You are encouraged to visualize a helper. Your helper is also a poem. This helper can be anything – a loving grandparent, a playful pet, or an angel. The helper represents qualities you needed when you were a child.

When your unconscious mind gets the needed qualities in the language of the unconscious (an emotional poem), the limiting emotion releases. If you needed protection you may visualize a lion as your helper. If you needed nurturing you might visualize a loving grandparent or a fuzzy bunny. If possible ask your younger self to choose the helper. The helper is often something that would only make sense to a child.

By communicating directly with your unconscious mind you can find your true emotions. You can become the person you always wanted to be.

To read the next post… 

(Image: Joe Shlabotnik @ Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/joeshlabotnik/3342877736/)