14 Reasons You Can’t Trust Your Thinking

Our ability to think is so important in every area of life, but can you trust your thinking?

Do you struggle to make decisions? Do you worry that you are not as mentally sharp as you once were? Is Alzheimer’s a looming fear? Are you more forgetful?

The other day I sat down and mapped out some of the things that can affect our thinking. The list was a lot longer than I expected.

Click below to see my list and some tips to keep your thinking sharp.

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Up until recently, I had never thought about being addicted to emotions. Once I thought about it, I realized that this makes a lot of sense.

I love to read other self-help authors and I picked up a book by Joe Dispenza. He has some different ways of looking at the world. I particularly liked his concept of addictive emotions.

How do you know if you are addicted to your emotions? And, more importantly, what can you do about it?

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How Your Goals Can Keep You Stressed Out

We hear it all the time – to get ahead, you need to set goals. Have you ever struggled with your goals or felt stressed out by them?

I have heard about setting goals from so many leaders in the self-growth field. Goals are a big topic for motivational speakers. I’ve even taught goal setting methods.

But what if we had it all wrong? What if your goals could be limiting you and stressing you out? What if there is a better way?

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Are You Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places?

Are you able to find the love you want? Do you worry that you are looking for love in all the wrong places?

In today’s world, so many people struggle to find love. It seems illusive and hard to find.

Why can’t we just open our hearts and find all the love we want? Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions.

Read on to find out why so many of us struggle to find love.

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Are Your Beliefs Limiting Your Personal Power?

I recently read a quote by Alberto Villoldo. He was writing about how limiting beliefs keep you from feeling your personal power and stop you from living the life you dream about.

Often your limiting beliefs were chosen for you. As a child, you adopted the beliefs of your family and community. These may not match your true self.

Have you taken the time to analyze your beliefs? Do your current beliefs support you and help you live the life you want?

Read on to find out more about limiting beliefs and read the quote that got this post started.

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What Did You Need to Hear from Your Parents?

Did your parents tell you how special you were? Did they tell you what you needed to hear as a child?

Recently, I was working with a client, Linda. After we transformed a childhood wound, she commented that her parents took care of her, but never told her the things she needed to hear.

Did you you hear what you needed to hear from your parents? Read on to discover what Linda needed to hear.

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How many of you pay any attention to your stress response system? Has it ever occurred to you that it could become damaged?

You may know your stress response system by another name: the fight or flight system. This system keeps you safe and helps you respond in times of crisis.

Resent research has linked a damaged stress response system to many of our most serious diseases, such as heart disease, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, depression, and even cancer.

Could a damaged stress response system be affecting you?

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Why Loving Yourself Is Not a Luxury

Do you think loving yourself is a luxury that you can focus on when you have more time or your health is better?

Maybe you don’t feel like you deserve to love yourself. Perhaps you were told that it is selfish to love yourself.

Loving yourself can lead to improved health and more happiness.

Keep reading to find out if you are loving yourself.

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How Your Diet Contributes to Healthy Emotions

Without a healthy diet you can’t have healthy emotions and live the life you dream about.

I have been reading about how diet affects not only our health but our happiness level. I am realizing that I cannot ignore the importance of food in reclaiming your true emotions.

Releasing the past is not enough. You need to have a healthy body.

Find out how your diet can increase your physical health and improve your happiness.

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A Quick Fix for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

I know many of you struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. What if you had an easy in-the-moment fix that gets you out of the attack?

Anxiety and panic attacks can happen at any time. Sometimes you know the reason. You are set to give that important presentation and all of a sudden you can’t remember any of your points. During a job interview you are so stressed you can’t think and say all the wrong things.

Other times they come out of no where. You are in the grocery store picking out a broccoli and suddenly you feel like running out of the store.

Normally you solve problems by engaging your thinking. During a panic attack, you can’t think! What can you do when your best problem solving tool is not working?

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