Are Unconscious Blocks Holding You Back?

You may think that you are aware of all of your thoughts and beliefs, but many of us have unconscious blocks.

These blocks are holding you back from living the life dream about.

In this post I am going to focus on how you lost awareness of your thoughts and beliefs. I am going to introduce you to a simple question to help you discover your unconscious blocks.

If you are not living the life you dream about, read on to discover how to locate and release unconscious blocks.

Conscious vs unconscious

We are all very aware of our conscious mind. We call it thinking and it is with us all day every day. We are less aware of our unconscious mind.

Things can move from unconscious to conscious easily and they do so often during the day. For example, you are home alone and a sound startles you. Immediately you become aware of the sounds all around you: the wind, chirping birds, a car driving by. Until you were startled you were unaware of these sounds.

What about thoughts that are hiding deeper in your unconscious mind? Every night when you dream you get a glimpse of what is going on behind the scenes. Even though you are not aware of it, your unconscious mind is playing an active role in your life. It is solving problems, protecting you, creating your personal view of reality, and perhaps holding on to beliefs that block your success.

Your unconscious mind plays a more important role in your life than you realize. Many experts tell us that we are aware of only 5% of our mind. The other 95% is unconscious.

Blocks can become buried deep in the unconscious mind.

How blocks become unconscious

Unconscious blocks often show up as emotions. Some of these emotions are so old that they don’t have a memory attached to them. Something unpleasant happened early in life before you were able to create a memory. Perhaps you had a difficult birth or health challenges at an early age.

You may have inherited a limiting belief from your family. Until you examine this belief it will remain in your unconscious affecting you. Some examples: “no one in our family is ever a success” or “you can’t trust anybody”.

Finally, we have blocks that you suppressed because the memory was too painful.

How do you find unconscious blocks?

As I mentioned earlier, Unconscious thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can become conscious. To find your blocks you just need to ask to see them. It can be that easy.

How do you find the right question? Your current life circumstances will tell you the right question to ask.

Let me explain with an example. Let’s say you work really hard, yet you never seem to have the success you want.

Ask yourself: what thoughts, beliefs, or emotions would create this issue?

Take paper and pen or open up a document. Start listing everything you can think of that could lead to this problem. For now, don’t worry if they are true for you or not. Just make a list.

Back to our example: you work hard, yet never achieve the success you want. Here are a few things I might list: I don’t deserve success, If I am too successful my friends/family won’t approve, I’m afraid I won’t know how to handle success, or I’m not good enough. You get the idea.

Not everything on your list will be true for you. How do you decide which ones are true? If you know how to use muscle testing or a pendulum to test for truth, simply test each item.

Another method to test for truth is to use mindfulness. Find a quiet time to do this exercise. Take each item and be with it. Does this item feel true for you? Take your time. No need to rush.

Sometimes negative thoughts and emotions may come up during these exercises. You might want to blame other people or judge yourself. Neither of these is useful. Think of this as an information gathering activity. Once you understand your unconscious blocks you can make new choices.

Here is a tip to get your list started. Many people have these three beliefs:

1. I’m not deserving.

2. I’m not good enough (or worthy).

3. I’m not lovable.

How to release blocks

Many times, just becoming aware is enough. For example, you may discover a family belief about money that is not true for you. That belief will no longer affect you.

If you need more help releasing blocks, the poetry of emotion process can help. You can release blocks without reliving any traumatic memories. Click here to read more.

(Image: xinem)



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