What Can You Do to Regain Your Health and Happiness?

Would you be interested in practical steps that can help you regain your health and happiness?

It seems like more and more people are getting sick. One hundred and thirty three million people are struggling with chronic disease, including autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, heart disease, depression, and cancer. One hundred and sixteen million of us are struggling with chronic pain.

Have you ever wondered if there are any self-help steps you can take that will make a positive difference in your life?

Read on to discover practical ways to regain your health and happiness.

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We all know that childhood problems can follow us into adulthood. Did you know that researchers have discovered that childhood adversity is one of the root causes of so many of our serious diseases.

These diseases include: heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, and depression. These diseases have become so prevalent that we think they are just a part of getting older. This post will change your mind.

Keep reading to discover how childhood adversity is making you sick. Learn my suggestions for regaining your health.

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Most of us want to avoid rejection. Did you know that fear of rejection can hold you back from the life you dream about?

Fear of rejection is so common that it seems normal. Can you even imagine being comfortable with rejection?

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t be rejected?

Read on to find out more.

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How a Medical Diagnosis Can Sabotage Your Health

We all dread getting a serious medical diagnosis, but did you know that you can go into a limiting trance that can sabotage your health.

In this trance your attention becomes so narrowed that you lose many of your normal coping skills. All of this happens so quickly. You leave the doctor’s office in a fog.

This limiting trance can create ongoing problems. It can even limit your ability to heal.

Keep reading to find ways to improve your ability to heal.

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10 Signs That You Are Not Living in the Present Moment

Most of you are aware that living in the present moment is the goal of many spiritual paths and personal growth programs.

Living in the present moment is the best way to be your true self and to create the life you want.

Unfortunately many of us are not living in the present moment. If you are not sure, here are 10 signs that you are not in the present moment.

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Can Your Self Identity Be Sabotaging Your Life?

We all have a sense of who we are as a person. This is your sense of self or self identity.

If your self identity does not reflect your true self, it can totally sabotage your life.

Do you have a self identity that is creating self sabotage instead of success?

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How Do You Know if You Are Sabotaging Your Life?

Recently I had an important question from one of my readers: “How do I know if I am sabotaging my life?”

Even though he had read my posts describing what self sabotage looks like, he was not sure if this applied in his life. That got me to thinking. Are other readers struggling with the same question?

Keep reading to discover some simple exercises to help you decide if you are sabotaging your life.

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Why Are You Sabotaging Your Life?

I have been writing a lot about self sabotage lately, but I haven’t answered the important question, Why are you sabotaging your life?

I’ve described what self sabotage looks like and talked about how emotions from your past are the root cause of self sabotage.

This still leaves an important question unanswered: why.

Keep reading for answers.

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3 Steps to Ending Self Sabotage

I have been writing a lot about how you are sabotaging your life. Today I want to talk about ending self sabotage for good.

Whether self sabotage is a big issue that affects much of your life or it is confined to one or two areas, ending self sabotage can make a big difference in your life.

If you are ready to take charge of your life and start living the life you dream about, read on.

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How Emotions from the Past Sabotage Your Life

In my last two posts, “11 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Life and How to Stop” and “One More Way You Are Sabotaging Your Life: Procrastination,” I told you that releasing emotions from the past is the answer.

In this post, I am going to go deeper into why emotions from the past are causing you so many problems. I will explain how your past is sabotaging your life.

I will show you how releasing the past can heal your life, even if everything you have tried has failed.

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