How Good Parenting Can Sabotage Your Health

Have you ever considered the possibility that good parenting could sabotage your health?

Parents want their children to be happy and healthy. One way to help their children is to teach them positive beliefs.

Sometimes these positive beliefs become distorted or confused and can lead to problems later on in life.

Keep reading to discover how beliefs can sabotage your health.

Case study

Mary (not her real name) came to me because she felt that she was sabotaging her recovery. She had several injuries that never seemed to heal. Every time she started to feel better, she experienced a setback. She was unmotivated to engage in even simple self-help recommendations, such as gentle walking.

We explored the usual beliefs that sabotage health, such as “I don’t believe I can get well.” We discovered that, at an unconscious level, Mary did not want to get well. This was a shock for Mary.

How beliefs get distorted

When she was a child, Mary’s family wanted her to become independent and self-sufficient. She was taught that it was selfish to ask for help. You need to be able to take care of yourself.

There was one big exception to this rule. If you were sick you could ask for what you needed but never what you wanted.

Mary learned to get sick so she could ask for help. She also found that if she was sick she could get out of doing things she did not want to do. At an unconscious level, Mary learned that being sick was beneficial to her.

How many of you pretended to have a tummy ache to get attention or to stay home from school? Be honest.

How childhood beliefs still affect you

Mary was not aware that she had these beliefs. Long ago they became buried deep in her unconscious and seemed normal to her.

Because of these distorted beliefs, Mary lost her ability to make choices. The only way she could get help was by being sick. I asked Mary if she would ask a friend to help her – just because she wanted help. Mary became very uncomfortable.

Mary’s healing process

I asked Mary to describe this discomfort as an emotional poem. Remember your emotional poem is a way to communicate with your unconscious mind (or your right brain). Emotional poems are not logical.

She felt like she was in a box. Inside the box was her childhood anger. She was angry because she did not get the help she needed and wanted. Outside the box she stored her parent’s anger at her when she did not follow the rules. The anger held the box in place.

Her helper (another emotional poem) was a woodcutter from a childhood story. The woodcutter used his ax to chop up the box which released all the anger. Step 3 of the poetry of emotion process is a story that describes how the problem emotion is released.

She immediately felt better, but realized she has more releasing to do before she can completely regain her health.

If you find Mary’s healing process a bit unusual, read the posts listed in Are you new to the site? These posts explain the theory behind the poetry of emotion process.

Your beliefs

Remember your beliefs are not always logical and even good parenting can lead to distorted beliefs.

Do you have beliefs that are preventing you from experiencing your best health?

To read more…
(Image:luanascheifer2013 @ flickr

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